Saturday, November 10, 2012

Treehugger Babysitting: Cliffhanger Finale

We haven't posted in a
while! To make it up to
you, here's a sleeping
baby sea otter.
Hi everyone! This is GEEKs cofounder Katie M-T, bringing you the long-awaited finale of our summer series "Treehugger Babysitting". I think this story is pretty cute. So is that baby sea otter on the left. Cute enough to make someone click on an environmental education blog, even.

Job Satisfaction
Does anyone know what's cooler than high school and college students working on environmental issues? Eleven-year-olds working on environmental issues. Which is why I was very happy to hear, after the end of my summer nannying job, that my relentless environmental education efforts (which you can read about here: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3)
had paid off- the kids had decided to organize some friends to do fundraisers for wildlife rescue projects. They call their group "The Animal Club", and I could tell
they were excited about it because they'd made a powerpoint presentation and business cards.

The Pledge
My favorite part of hearing about the animal club was reading the Animal Club Pledge, which was written by an eloquent 11-year-old. Cheesy, but also touching- here's the pledge:
The Pledge
I solemnly swear as an inhabitant of this planet, to be good to the Earth and all the creatures that live on it. 
To preserve nature, ocean and land, from the dry desert to the soggy marsh, from the shallow tide pools to the deep, deep sea. 
To help the living things, animal and plant, from the dainty, delicate flowers to the tall trees, from the smallest flea to the biggest, largest whale. 
To treat Earth like what it is: My home and sanctuary. My food, water, and air. My planet. 

The Cliffhanger
*sniff*... I'm gonna miss those kids and their enthusiasm for my wacky environmental projects. Keep tuning in to see what happens next: What will the Animal Club do? Will I get hired again as a Treehugger Babysitter? What happens with the baby sea otter?

Thanks for reading! You're an awesome person. Questions or comments? Visit our Facebook page here, or send us an email at!


  1. Your blog is great! thank you for sharing it and for the good news of your lasting effect on those "treehugger" children you tended last summer!

    1. Thanks for your feedback and support- the treehugger babysitting project was a lot of fun!


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