Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lesson Plan: The Best Nest by P. D. Eastman

Materials: The Best Nest by P.D. Eastman, pictures of different bird’s nests. Craft Option 1: wooden
birdhouses, paint, markers, glitter, etc. Craft Option 2: construction paper, glue, scissors, twigs, string,
straws, glitter, yarn, markers, other craft items of choice.

Ages: 3-7

1. Preparation: set out newspaper or other protection over the craft work surface. Lay out the
2. Ask the kids if they know where birds live. Do they live in apartments? Houses? What are there
nests made of? Has anyone ever seen a bird’s nest? Where?
3. Read The Best Nest by P.D. Eastman.
4. Ask the kids where they would build a nest if they were birds. Show them the nest pictures, and
explain where the nests are usually located.

5. Craft Option 1: Have the kids decorate their own birdhouses to take home. This project works
best with a few kids and a budget that can purchase the wooden birdhouses.
6. Craft Option 2: Have kids “build” their own nests on construction paper. Let them use whatever
items they want. Have them draw the background as where they would put their nest. Note:
if using twigs in this project, it may help to hot glue them to the paper. If this is the case, make
sure that an adult is the one handling the hot glue. Kids could easily get burnt, so don’t let them
go near it!’

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