Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lesson Plan: Owl Moon by Jane Yolen

Age Group: 5-7

Materials: Owl Moon, Brown construction paper, scissors, markers, feathers, string, glue, pictures of

1. Preparation: Cut out owl eye mask shapes from the construction paper. Include holes for eyes
and string to keep them on. Lay out the other materials. Make sure to put newspaper down to
avoid making a mess!
2. Ask the kids if they have ever seen an owl. What color was it? Did it hoot at them? Have any of
them heard an owl before?
3. Read the book Owl Moon by Jane Yolen. Make sure to include sound effects!

Option 1:
1. This works best if you are in an area with birds or other animal wildlife. Do some research before the lesson about what species live in your area and how to recognize them.
2. Ask the kids if they think that they could be quiet as long as the girl in the book. Try

and see if they can be silent for a whole minute. Then ask the kids what they heard or saw while they were being quiet, and see if you can identify any of them.

Option 2: 
1. Make owl masks. Have the kids pick a mask and decorate it themselves using the supplies.
Show them the owl pictures in case they want to see what owl eyes look like, but don’t worry if
they stray from “normal” owl patterns. Creativity is a good thing! You could set aside a certain
amount of time for this (15-20 minutes), or just wait until all of the kids are done, depending on
how much time you have. Make sure the kids help clean up.
2. When the kids are done with their masks, have them put the masks on (they will probably need
your help!).
3. Take the kids outside and practice hooting like owls!

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