Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lesson Plan: "A Stranger in the Woods" by Carl R. Sams II and Jean Stoick

Lesson Objective: Teach kids about recycling and reusing and get them outside
Target age group: 5-9 

1)     Read a “Stranger in the Woods” by Carl R. Sams II and Jean Stoick. In the book, a snowman is built in the woods, and various animals go to visit it.

2)     Have the kids create snowman clothes using recycled materials such as old egg cartons or cereal boxes.  You will need to begin collecting these materials a few weeks before your story time.  Create an example of the snowman clothes to show to the kids.  While the kids are creating their clothes, talk to them about the importance of recycling, what things can be recycled, and recycling in their homes.

3)    Recycling relay- Play this game to reinforce the idea of recycling.  Divide the kids into two teams. Each team should have a pile of mixed recyclables and trash in front of them.  On go one kid from each team grabs an item and run to put it in an appropriate bin (trash, papers and cardboards, and cans/ recyclable plastics).  They then run back and tag the next kid to go.

4)    Finally have the kids build snowmen outside, dressing them with the clothes they made. If the kids want to and their parents are okay with it, have them take their clothes home.

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