Do you have a GEEKs story to share? Send us an email at, or tell us on our Facebook page here!
Conserve School students and Land O' Lakes kids show off their finished pet rocks. |
Partners: Northwoods Children's Museum, Conserve School
Conserve School students make pet rocks with kids from Land O' Lakes |
Constantine shows off his leaf print. |
Bristol: The Pringle Nature Center featured a children's program led by a GEEKs cofounder. The program included a storytime and the kids also loved making leaf prints!
Partner: Pringle Nature Center
A poster advertising the first meeting of a GEEKs-run middle school Earth Group |
Partner: Roseville Area Middle School
St. Paul: Participation from GEEKs helped the Minnesota Youth Environmental Network organize their Spring Gathering, which was a huge success! High school and college students from across the state gathered to share their ideas about sustainability, put on polar bear masks to make a video petition about clean energy, and help plant native species at the polluted Sarita Wetland nearby.
Partner: Minnesota Youth Environmental Network
Students at the MNYEN Spring Gathering don polar bear masks to make a video petition |
A student plants native species in St. Paul's Sarita wetland area |
A GEEKs cofounder working with kids in an outdoor natur program |
Gurnee: A GEEKs cofounder has been running children's reading circles at her local nature center, and has just received a summer internship position there! Congratulations!
Houghton: A GEEKs-inspired program at Houghton Elementary gives kids an introduction to the joys of gardening with help from GEEKs member Mari!