Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Green Video!

Green Hip-Hop
Reading is great, especially when it's reading environmental education blogs. But when so many of our activities are fueled by the internet and new technology, and attention spans are so short, another great way to get even more people engaged, interested and informed is video. 
One organization that's working on this is Green For All, which supports environmental justice campaigns. One way they're involving people of all ages and backgrounds across the country is by featuring music videos covering environmental issues on their site. It's not lame, I promise! Many of the videos are done by young people with real skill. Check out their website at www.greenforall.org.
Or, if you have one of those short attention spans I was talking about, skip right to the really cool music videos- which can be found on a playlist of their youtube channel here. Seriously, do it. Or just skip to my personal favorite- a song called Wheat Grass, by DJ Cavem:

What YOU Can Do With It
Even without the musical skills, we can all get in on the green video scene. This has been my most recent project at my school- taking video of people sharing their views and stories about environmentalism around my school community. I've been amazed how many people have said really interesting things that I'm glad to have on video. 
Interviewing a student about paper
towel use
A student telling the camera about
cafeteria-related sustainability
Look for an update on that project in the next episode of "I'm Starting an Environmental Club!". In the meantime, see if you can borrow a videocamera from your school library, and go find some students and staff to interview. Or start working on your new hit hip-hop song.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thank You and GEEKs in Action!

Hi GEEKs Readers! Today we'd like to thank each and every one of you for your loyal readership- because with your help, the GEEKs blog has reached
This accomplishment belongs to all of you readers, who keep clicking our links from facebook, sharing the blog with your friends, and helping to make GEEKs projects happen. So as a thank-you gift that we hope will be meaningful to our readers all over the world, we give you...


In a second celebration of 1000 Views Day, slightly less cute but also enjoyable is our new page, GEEKs in Action! The new page will be frequently updated and includes pictures and stories from projects that GEEKs members are doing or have done. It also features links to the organizations that are helping make those GEEKs projects happen.
To check out GEEKs in Action, click the tab on our home page or follow the link here.
If you have a story you'd like to share on GEEKs in Action, or in a blog post, let us know at our email get.geeky28@gmail.com

Thanks to everyone and keep in touch!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm Starting an Environmental Club! Episode 3: We are Yoda

Us versus gross chemicals:
this is what it looks like
GEEKs is back, with a brand-new episode of our series I'm Starting an Environmental Club! In this episode, the RAMS environmental club wages an epic battle against gross chemicals. Who will win? Find out below, or else skip to the bottom to see why this episode is called "We are Yoda". Thanks for reading!

Gross chemicals

Gross Chemicals
School buildings can be disgusting places sometimes, with every desk being used by half a dozen kids every day. To fend off germs, many schools use all-purpose cleaners with long ingredients lists of chemicals that can be hazardous to people as well as to ecosystems. To remove this grossness from the RAMS school environment, we decided that our first official action as the RAMS Earth Group would be...

The Green Cleaners Project
Our project turned out to be very straightforward and went pretty much exactly according to plan. To simplify things, here's what we did:

1) Ask teachers for donations of their EMPTY cleaner spray bottles
We left a box for donated bottles in the group advisor's classroom, then sent out an email and a paper notice to all the teachers to advertise our project. The teachers were very supportive, and the box filled up quickly with empty bottles. It's important that they're empty because we don't want to be dumping chemicals down the drain- it's much better for them to be used.
Our beautiful labels
2) Follow OSHA labeling rules
It turns out that cleaners used in a school must be correctly labeled with ingredients for safety purposes. We peeled off the bottles' old labels and replaced them with new ones designed by the group, which advertised the Earth Group and listed ingredients. 

3) Fill the bottles with nicer cleaners
We based our cleaning product loosely on Alice's Wonder Spray cleaner, which is pretty much vinegar and water. Check out the full recipe here. Our group is lucky to be based in a science classroom, so we had funnels and beakers handy and felt like real chemical engineers or something.
Yoda also basks in glory
after a battle

4) Redistribute the bottles and bask in glory
We are one step closer to ridding the world of gross chemicals, and the school staff has been really happy with the project. It's great to see other people so happy to be using a healthier and safer cleaning product. We'll continue to refill empty bottles as teachers continue to donate them.

What We Learned
In this episode we learned that even though we're only a small group of students, just starting our Earth Group, we can actually do really useful projects at the middle school. Our green cleaners keep gross chemicals from being used at school, and they also raise awareness and inspire others to replace their household chemicals- now any student stuck cleaning desks for detention will have a good look at our beautiful green cleaner labels and get to use the cleaners themselves. Basically, our group is just like Yoda: we're small, we love green, and we're very powerful. 

Thanks for reading, and check back soon for another action-packed episode of I'm Starting An Environmental Club!